I’m reading far too much in English, and far far too much of that is the standard boingboing/slashdot/oreilly/bbc stuff. It’s interesting, but each day it’s the same few dozen pages as every other geek in the western world is poring over. That needs to change, or I’m going to end up with the same stunted, arrogant, inane perspective as everybody else on teh interweb.
So now I’m throwing my cap over the wall. I’m going to spend tomorrow cruising round the web, one country at a time. I’m going to look for the funky weird shit that would be slashdotted to hell if it was in English, and I’m going to blog about it. Who knows, I might even learn something.
Before that I intend to spend tonight dancing, drinking, and chatting entirely in English with the assorted goths of Cambridge. I may even find it in my heart to say some nice things about the Christians, who are currently being bullied by the rest of the goths in a disturbingly playground style.