While loving both
The Parallax View
All the President’s Men
, I’d somehow never realised that they had a forgotten sibling. Klute is the first member of what came to be known as director Alan Pakula’s
political paranoia trilogy
. One to watch.
Category: Uncategorised
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mysql file output is efficient — but needs the FILE permission, which mysql turns off by default for most users:
mysql> select foo into outfile '/tmp/bar.txt' from sometable group by foo;
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what is the ø in infinite thøught? Merely the philosophical counterpart to the Heavy Metal Umlaut? Or are we in the equally-depressing land of subtle and pointless theoretical in-jokes?
finding and editing
Search for files containing some text, open them in vim (one per tab)
grep -l foo ./* | xargs vim -p
Alternatively, to get a single-line list that can be edited and then copy-pasted to a command-line:
grep -l foo ./* | xargs echo
There are more heavy-duty ways of removing lines in output listed here, but I see little reason for using them.t
Protected: Jury Service
Protected: [angst] dumped
Accomplishments of Leopold II
EU Observer, via Crooked Timber:
Louis Michel, the Belgian former EU development commissioner and current prominent Liberal MEP has shocked his home nation and its one-time central African subjects by calling King Leopold II, the Congo’s colonial master responsible for between 3 million and 10 million deaths, a “visionary hero.”
“Leopold II was a true visionary for his time, a hero,” he told P-Magazine, a local publication, in an interview on Tuesday. “And even if there were horrible events in the Congo, should we now condemn them?”
. Yes, we really, really should.
FWIW, Louis Michel is also a former Belgian foreign minister, and has been deeply involved with the Congo at a national and European level.
on that keylogger thing….seeks the showkey utility will do everything I need, with considerably less faff and higher reliability. yay!
Pioneer One
That TV series pilot we released last week? With the $6000 budget and the cast of unknowns? More popular than True Blood and Doctor Who combined.
yeah, ok, some obvious caveats apply
Yet another linux trick I keep on forgetting…
To display a notification on the desktop from the command-line:
# apt-get install libnotify-bin
$ notify-send “hello world”
obv. “from the command-line” really means “from a script”, unless you’re in some Evil Dead situation of independently-mobile hands
[reason for looking: trying to get xmonad+dmenu to notify me when I mistype a command, rather than just failing silently]
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