and some light relief…

After that, a couple of beautiful things.

Firstly, necro_angel has put up three lovely new photos.

Then I came across this hilarious “Jerry Springer does philosophy” spoof. Perhaps it just appeals because I live with a critical theorist, my best friend is an analytic philosopher, and I’ve spent far too much of my life talking to Josh. But who couldn’t love this:

Todd: See what I have to put up with? Do you know what it’s like living with someone who sees sex as a metaphoric demonstration of the anti-feminist violence implicit in the discourse of the dominant power structure? It’s terrible. She just lies there and thinks of Andrea Dworkin. That’s why we never do it any more.

In case of emergency…procrastinate

The weekend is looking more and more like beautiful chaos. So, rather than trying to find some way of doing all the things I’ve said I would, I’ll spend my time here. Down with efficiency!

So…yesterday: Cyberia: shiny glowy uv thingies, dancing, talking (at a bop? good god!). And dressed-up people (matt in chains, sam in pink, kia in white, lauren in stripes, nina and rachel in hair: I’m going to have to find some clothes one day!). Most of the people I didn’t know were friends of my friends, which was odd but nice. As were they: necro_angel, whotheheckami, raggedy_man, you’re fantastic people. And daemongirl out of Oakham, and nina321 back in the real world. Happy, happy, happy!

Now I’m off on the bus to London for Per & Ali’s housewarming – a *completely* different set of lovely people. Dan is happy!

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snakes, waterpots, nibbana, and five minutes peace

A sweet little verse from the Therigatha:

I am freed, freed. I am well-freed

from my pestle, from my cheating husband, from making parasols, and

from my pot that smells like a water-snake. I shoo away passion and

suffering. I have gone to the foot of a tree, where I joyfully think

‘this is bliss’

Or, in Pali:

sumuttike sumuttikA sAdhu muttika mhi musalassa

ahiriko me chattakaM vA pi ukkhalikA me daLiddabhAvA ti

rAgan ca ahaM dosan ca vicchindanti viharAmi

sA rukkhamUlam upagamma aho sukhan ti sukhato jhAyAmi