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Off now to Jesus Green, with some wine, a _catharine_, and whoever else turns up. Come along, people

David Howarth FTW

Yet again I’m wanting to hug the Cambridge MP. This time, he’s managed to work Microcosmographia Academica into a Guardian article. [the rest of the article isn’t anything special, but he wins just for that bit of Cam-geekery].

In other news: working in daytime is


. Calm and awake, and feeling as though I should be listening to Belle and Sebastian. I also have the largest fruit-bowl in history sitting on the next desk, tempting me…


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Medicine is magical and magical is art

Well, it looks like in the absence of a Calling we’re reduced to metal and Christianity. Guess I’ll be staying at home, then.

Now, what I really need tonight is a good meal and something to get angry about. Either that or something pressing that Really Must Be Done Yesterday, but there’s a depressing lack of those!

*goes off to cook and stomp*

and, and: Graceland is fantastic. Remember last week somebody put this on at work, and it brought back so many memories of wearing out my tape of it years back. mmmm 😀

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