
Today’s been a write-off in terms of getting anything useful done; now I’m retreating to book reviews



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Essential research into what happens when you lock children in fridges (via crooked timber)

[sorry to lower the tone from all the serious discussion of abortion and feminism going on everywhere else]

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South Ossetia

I did think of writing something about South Ossetia today – but it’s all guns and nationalism and games of chicken. I’m still hoping it’ll blow over in a few days, since even Russia isn’t stupid enough to get drawn into a full-scale war over this (are they?). Or will this be one of the times when public opinion is cheering on the army, and everybody has to keep on doing ridiculous things because they’ve started and don’t want to back down? Too grim to think about it; best go elsewhere for sensible comment.


Sometimes I hate the world.

books, again

After a mostly excellent week, I’ve spent Friday and today being both unproductive and extraordinarily tetchy. Result: I’m pissed at the world, and I’ll be spending tomorrow back behind a computer – possibly just as fruitlessly.

On the plus side, good books make things better…

Reviews (Imagined Communities and Techgnosis)