A helpful hint

If your dissertation involves a section on mnemonic techniques,

do not

wait until exam term to chase down the references. You’ll find a lot of empty gaps on the library shelves…


On the bright side, I think I’m on target to have a draft finished by monday, which gives me a week to fiddle with it before the deadline. And I


it’s going to be good, but then I am a little biased.

In other good news, it seems somebody in the UN read my rant on water in Iraq. At least, the UN special rapporteur on the right to food, cited it in his annual report to the UN human rights commission last month. Also, the rant is getting printed for the third time – the latest is a semi-academic anthology on human rights in foreign policy.

Also on the political, we have just put together a piece on the use of napalm-type weapons in Iraq. Among other things, there’s a wonderfully flat denial by Adam Ingram:

The United States have confirmed to us that they have not used Mark 77 firebombs, which are essentially napalm canisters, in Iraq at any time.[Hansard, 11 January]

Unfortunately for Ingram, the US State Department website says:

Mark-77 firebombs, which have a similar effect to napalm, were used against enemy positions in 2003


It’s trivia, but it’s always fun to find politicians lying

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