I’m enough of a FOI nerd to occasionally delve into the collection of released information at What Do They Know. Here are a few that caught my eye from the MoD:
- Of the UK military trainers in Iraq, none speak Arabic or Kurdish
- The Minister of Defense can classify civilian aircraft as military. He apparently has not done so; this request would be worth repeating in a few years.
- Service personnel AWOL — overwhelmingly an army issue, with spikes in 2007 and 2010.
- List of MoD InfoSec policies
- Gulf war veterans furious that the drugs they were given were ‘voluntary’
- UK military assistance to Ukraine. Helmets, goggles, first aid kits and laptops
- The MOD has only recorded 6 cases of sexual harrassment in the last 5 years. This seems to be a case where reprhrasing a question can have a different result — there were at least 253 reports of rape and sexual assault in the 4 years to 2013