Punks in churches in the DDR

In the soviet bloc, it was apparently common for punk gigs to happen in churches.

Punk groups were officially banned, or at the least subject to disapproval. The scene was monitored, and being known as a punk meant throwing away pretty much any chance of a career. In the official venues, it was a rare and brave promoter who would give them space.

…so the priests stepped in. Either as an extension of their youth-work, or because some priests were themselves punks — or because the church loathed the state almost as much as the punks did, so “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” applied.

Whatever the reasons, it happened. Certainly in Poland and East Germany, presumably elsewhere as well. It’s fairly well-known among people who lived through it, even as children.

But the internet is being oddly unbountiful with information. I’ve found a bit in German, including on a neo-nazi attack on a punk gig in a Berlin church, on “Blues” masses (which became punk masses), and a documentary. In English, this is about the most I’ve found.

But somewhere out there online, there must be a really good account, ideally complete with beautiful and incongruous photos. Help me; where is it?

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